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The Definitive Golf Industry Database

The NGF has the most complete and accurate database of golf courses and businesses. It sets us apart and, years ago, set us in motion. In 1936, six equipment manufacturers came together to fund NGF's efforts to identify every golf course in the US. Today, this definitive database contains more than 29,000 golf courses and businesses, and 71,000 individual contacts.

NGF membership provides open access to our unrivaled database. Every day, our team verifies golf courses -- identifying openings, closings and any new projects in development - as well as the key decision-makers at these facilities. This member benefit can be used to help businesses identify customers and prospects, facilities to search for suppliers and vendors, and to find contacts within the golf industry.

What's Included?

Each course and company listing includes:

  • General info: address, phone and fax numbers, website
  • Expanded address: county, DMA, MSA, region
  • Key Contacts: Owner, President, GM, Golf Pro, Superintendent, etc.

Golf course listings also include:

  • Facility type (private, muni, daily fee, resort)
  • Total holes
  • Green/guest fee (highest rack rate)
  • Year opened
  • Architect
  • And more!
User & Database Statistics






Practice Facilities


Retail Stores



days per year

Data from more than


golf courses and businesses

More than


individual contact names

Searched nearly


times per year

"We have found the NGF golf course database invaluable in our marketing efforts.  For such a reasonable investment, the ROI is outstanding.  I don't know how we could consistently reach the decision-makers without this resource."

Gary Mannies
Golf Associates Scorecards