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June 2020 National Rounds Played Report

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Rounds-played increased 13.9% nationally in June, a continuation of the recent surge in golf participation amid the coronavirus pandemic. This rise translates to approximately 7 million or 8 million more rounds than June of 2019.

June play was up in every state in the continental U.S., including a rise of at least 20% in golf-rich states such as Arizona (+29%), Florida (+25%), Georgia (+24%), Texas (+23%), Pennsylvania (+22%) and Ohio (+21%).

The June increase follows a 6.2% bump in May, helping the industry continue its recovery after more than 20 million Spring rounds were lost due to coronavirus-related course shutdowns and anxiety. More than half of U.S. golf courses were closed in late March and throughout April.

At the midpoint of the year, the nationwide rounds-played figure remains down 1.7% compared to the same time a year ago.

Approximately half of annual rounds are played from May through August, so a continued surge throughout the summer months of July and August would help the industry fully recoup the rounds lost during the spring. If play in the remaining months is up an average of +5%, there would be an estimated 1.7% increase over the 441 million rounds played nationally in 2019.


NOTE: For the foreseeable future, Golf Datatech will not report data for specific metropolitan areas, as the database of reporting courses makes some markets statistically unstable.  

National Rounds Played
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