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Our People


Carissa Edgar

Senior Staff Accountant

I don't generally come from a golf background; however, I did grow to love the game when I had the opportunity to attend the 2016 Ryder Cup in Hazeltine, MN. I couldn't have asked for anything better than to have that be my first real experience with golf. My time working previously for the PGA of America helped me foster my love for the game and all that it embodies; from the ground up really by learning what it takes to put on a great event like the Ryder Cup or PGA Championship. Attending these professional events can make you appreciate how much golf really is a sport just like football, basketball, baseball, etc., all of which I love. I may not get out on the course very often but my husband and I do like to pretend we know a little something about the game by going to local courses and playing a round sometimes. I do enjoy watching it on t.v. just as much as any other sport now, but look forward to attending other events in the future. And now working for the National Golf Foundation I can learn new ways to love the game even more.

All Time Favorite Player

Tiger Woods or Rory McElroy

Favorite Sports Movie?


What's Your First Golf Memory

2016 Ryder Cup

If You Had Your Choice of Any Other Job in the Golf Industry?

Player Support

If You Were a Golf Club, What Golf Club Would You Be?

Chipping Wedge

If You Could Play Anywhere in the World?

