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December 2018 National Rounds Played

Click image to view the full December 2018 National Rounds Played Report


Rounds of golf for December 2018 were down 7.7% nationally compared to the previous December. For the full year, play was down 4.8% overall from 2017.

December is typically one of the lightest months, on a nationwide basis, for golf facilities. Even so, it marked the 11th time in 12 months that the number of rounds-played had declined in 2018.

Play throughout the year was negatively impacted by a greater frequency of unfavorable golf weather, except for the Mountain and Pacific regions.  Those are the only two regions to buck the negative weather facing much of the nation and end the year on a positive note, each up about 3% over the prior year.

For a closer, anecdotal look at the nationwide decline in rounds-played for 2018, please be sure to see Tom Mackin’s feature story, Weather to Play, in The Q.

National Rounds Played
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